Efforts to Improve Students Interest in Learning History through Media Images on History Lesson in SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru

Apdelmi Apdelmi


This research was motivated by low student interest in the history class, mainly in XI IPS 2 of SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. In this class, teachers not use media that vary so students are less interested in history class. The purpose of this study was to reveal that the use of media images can increase student interest. The result of this study as an input for history teachers especially in SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru to increase interest in history for students so that learning objectives can be achieved history. This study is Classroom Action Research using the model cycle consists of four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted in two cycles, which in each cycle consisted of three meetings. The object of research are 36 students from class XI IPS2 SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The tools used for this study is the observation sheet form of a list containing the tally indicator of interest. It processed use a percentage formula P = (F / N) X100%. The results showed an increase in student interest, first cycle of 57.8% and the second cycle increased to 82.8%. It can be concluded that media images can increase student interest in history.

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