E-Learning Program Adoption: Technology Acceptance Model Approach

Haryanto Haryanto, Honest Ummi Kultsum


Indonesian government has launched e-book for elementary till high school’s students as an important part of e-learning program.   That program has some impacts both for students and teachers.  The aim  of  this study is to  analyze  the  crucial  variables that  influence  teachers’ intention to adopt e-learning program. To achieve the research’s objective, the population of the research is teachers in Surakarta and purposive sampling method is chosen as sampling method approach with criterion, first, participants must be the state high school teachers; second, participants have an intention to adopt e-learning program. Based on survey to 243 teachers and also after SEM AMOS applied , the result showed that first, computer self-efficacy and perceived easy of use effect perceived usefulness; second, perceived easy of use and perceive usefulness influence the attitude towards using; finally, perceived usefulness and attitude towards using are predictor variable of intention to use. Overall, Technology Acceptance Model is a good model to investigate the intention to use e- learning for teachers

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