Identifying the Student’s Critical Thinking Ability of PGSD in Accomplishing the Energy Material Problems

Murwani Dewi Wijayanti, Sentot Budi Raharjo, Sulistyo Saputro, Sri Mulyani


The development of science and technology in educational world becomes one of center of
interest because of its quality enhancement efforts. One effort to improve the quality of education
is by focusing the learning model used. Beside, educational world asks human ability to filter the
information. Therefore, human must think critically. In the education world, thinking critically can
be taught through natural science because it is a thinking tool that is able to develop analitical and
logical thinking. There are many ways to lead students in thinking critically. One of them is by
doing the natural science problems, especially related to energy materials that needs critical
thinking. By doing that way, it is hoped that student will be skillful in accomplishing problems
logically and sistematically. The objective of this research is to describe the critical thinking
ability level of students. The subject of the research is students of PGSD from 3 level universities
which consist of 103 students. The students given critical thinking test then will be categorized into
level 4 (critical), level 3 (moderate critical), level 2 (less critical), and level 1 (no critical). The
result shows that the students at level 4 consist of 14 students (4%), level 3 consist of 16 students
(16%), level 2 consist of 36 students (35%), and level 1 consist of 47 (45%). Instead of the level of
critical thinking, it is needed to categorize the consistency level of students critical thinking ability.
The consistency level of students’ critical thinking ability only relates to something they know
at their tasks; Sebelas Maret University at 56.5%, State University of Yogyakarta at 62.2%, and
Univet at 64.50%. The students’ weakness in their consistency may indicate that material learning
technique about energy has less focus on critical thinking ability. In doing their tasks, students tend
to answer without considering the right analysis. Oneway to improve the critical thinking ability
of the students is by implementing a structural inquiry learning model.

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