Azizatul Mahfida Inayati, Desy Damayanti


This paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of Johnny Grammar Word Challenge in improving students’ grammar ability especially simple past tense in Junior High School level. It needs an appropriate technique outside the class activity called MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning). Classroom action research is used to design the research. The result shows that the use of Johnny Grammar Word Challenge could improve the student’s grammar ability. From affective aspect, the students can use their mobile phone effectively.  Psychomotor  aspect,  they  enjoy  giving  positive  response  toward  the  implementation of  the application. Then, from cognitive aspect, they have been able to determine the appropriate verb which is used in a past tense sentence. Johnny Grammar Word Challenge is suitable to be implemented to improve student’s grammar ability especially simple past tense. Thus, the researchers suggest teachers to use it as a variation in teaching English.


Key Words: Grammar Ability, Johnny Grammar Word Challenge, MALL

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