Peduk Rintayati, Ahmad Syawaludin


Many Street foods containing ingredients that are harmful to health at school. The Street food can interfere the children's learning concentration and cause the child to behave hyperactive. This research aims to assess the perception of students about hygiene and color of Street food in elementary school. The research approach is descriptive qualitative with research model is a case study. The sample amounted to 43 students in grade IV, V, and VI. The results of this research are 80.82% of students have good perception against hygiene of food. However, only 33.72% students who have good perception against color of food. Elementary school students do not have the self control to not buy Street food that interest them. Especially when they see the food with the striking colors and delicius. Need the role of parents and teachers to coach the students about good and healthy Street food to be consumed.

Keywords: color, elementary school, howker food, hygiene, students perception

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