Author Guidelines

The editor of Haluan Sastra Budaya (HSB) welcomes article submissions in accordance with the following guidelines: 

  1. Articles have not been published or accepted for publication, or are being considered for publication elsewhere. In addition to the manuscript, a written statement should be attached which clarifies that the article is original and does not contain any elements of plagiarism.
  2. Types of articles suitable for publication include the following; research reports (laboratory, field, archives), conceptual ideas, studies, theory applications. 
  3. HSB provides template (English) (Bahasa) to write the article based on its format.
  4. Articles are written in Indonesian or English using academic language along with standard academic writing structure and composition. Manuscripts are typed 1,5 spaced in a quarto paper size (A4), between 15-20 pages in length including references, pictures, and tables.
  5. Article should be in form of essay which includes:
    • title in English and Bahasa (15-20 words),
    • author’s name (without academic degree) with institution’s name, address, and an e-mail address,
    • abstract in English and Bahasa (100-200 words for each) which includes research problems, methods and results,
    • key words in English and Indonesian (at least 5 words),
    • Introduction/pendahuluan (without subsection, 2-3 pages) which includes background, objectives (problems), purpose of the study, research significance. The introduction section  ends with an emphasis on items to be discussed, 
    • Theory and Method (Teori dan Metode Penelitian)literature reviews/theoretical construct of the research and methods.
    • Finding and discussion (Hasil dan Pembahasan), for conceptual article the subtiles are based on the topic,
    • Conclusion (Simpulan), and
    • (Acknowledgement/ Credit/ Thanks)
    • ReferencesDaftar pustaka.
  6. Reference list format is based on APA (American Psychological Association) style. Reference list should appear at the end of the article and includes only literatures actually cited in the manuscripts. References are ordered alphabetically and chronologically.
  7. Articles should be submitted in soft files by using Microsoft Word application through Open Journal System (OJS) the system of the journal submitted online. 
  8. Authors will be sent notifications of the receipt of manuscripts and editorial decisions (whether the articles are accepted or not) by e-mail. Manuscripts that are not published will not be returned to the authors.