Pengembangan Media Gambar Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Karir Pada Anak Usia Dini 5-6 Tahun
Kata kunci: pengenalan karir, anak usia dini, media pembelajaran
Abstract. In the current information and technology so quickly developed rapidly into the important because it easier to have all the required information. Including career world is very important and have a significant role in human life now. But, it is possible that the lack of information on. career has been a problem until nowThe introduction of better career since childhood as a form of preliminary information to the concept themselves. Infact, not all children have information career sufficient to support her life when mature in choosing career. and makes decisionsThe lack of information made a career ca not know the broader and confusion will purpose and desires to be achieved. The purpose of this research is to improve understanding careers in early childhood especially the age range of 5-6 years by using media media innovative namely pictorial form of a book of the activity of titled “ Aku Tahu Cita-citaku “. The theory that is used is a theory of the development Donald Career Super that stage of growth (growth) with the use of research methodology research and development. The results of the people of the material validation of 93 % and of the people of the media as much as 88 % the result will be. Among respondents when they were involved in the trial of a finite being having career planning in good category and media worthy of categorized as. Media this learning idiharapkan help ease child in get information career broader and made a more active in learn to reach dream to be achieved.
Keywords: the introduction of career, early childhood, media learning
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