Rauhul Khotimah, Nurus Sa'adah


This study aims to examine the role of social support in increasing student motivation to
learn. This research is a literature study where the researcher conducts an in-depth study of
previous research. Students have a role as a learner and interact with other students.
Positive social support possessed by students can help students face their learning demands
and can be a generator of learning motivation, with motivation to improve learning order,
learning independence, acceptance and social presence, critical thinking skills, writing
skills, problem solving abilities, and of course can support learning achievement. The
purpose of this study will be to examine the relationship between social support and
learning motivation, namely a description of learning motivation with sources of social
support that influence each other. The type of research used is a study (literature review),
where the authors seek references from significant journal articles with cases or problems
that have been determined. Collecting data in this study by searching for literature, both
journals and articles relevant to the title under study, literature searches were carried out
from several search pages, websites such as Scientific Direct, Proquest, Scholar, Garuda
Portal, Research Gate, and other sites.
Keywords: Social Support; College student; Motivation to learn


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