Pengaruh Karakteristik Dewan, Struktur Kepemilikan, dan Kinerja Perusahaan Terhadap Modal Intelektual

Galuh Prabowo, Sunarjanto Sunarjanto


This study aimed to determine the effect of board characteristics, ownership structure, financial and intellectual capital on the peformance. Data was taken from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of annual data from the years 2009-2011. Board characteristics variables used are the board of directors and board of commissinoners. While the ownership structure variables, namely domestic and foreign strategic institutional ownership and financial performance variables to measure the return on assets and employee productivity. The population used in this study are all companies listed on the Stock Exchange. With purposive sampling method, a sample of 24 companies selected from 136 companies listed on the Stock Exchange. The analytical method used was multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study demonstrate the board of directors and strategic domestic institutional ownership has a negative significant effect on intellectual capital. While the board of commissinoners, return on assets, and employee productivity has a positive significant effect on intellectual capital. And strategic foreign institutional ownership has negative and no significant effect on intellectual capital.

Keywords: board of directors, board of commissinoners, domestic strategic institutional ownership, foreign strategic institutional ownership, return on asset, employee productivity, and intellectual capital.


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