Vol 3, No 2 (2023)

December 2023

This issue ventures into the researches and article reviews that is pushing the boundaries of energy storage solutions.

Unveiling the Potential of Silica:

The quest for improved energy storage performance hinges on innovative materials. This issue sheds light on the fascinating exploration of silica for dehumidification purposes. Researchers delve into the development of silica-based materials that can efficiently remove moisture from storage systems. This advancement promises to enhance the overall performance and longevity of these systems, ensuring a more robust and reliable energy storage infrastructure.

Eggshells: A Sustainable Route to Li-ion Battery Power:

The ever-growing demand for Li-ion batteries (LIBs) necessitates a sustainable approach to their production. This issue spotlights a groundbreaking method for synthesizing calcium nitrate, a vital component in LIB creation, from a rather unexpected source – eggshells. This research paves the way for a more eco-friendly approach to fabricating LIBs, minimizing environmental impact while ensuring efficient energy storage solutions.

Closing the Loop: Recycling the Future of Batteries:

With the widespread adoption of batteries, responsible management of their end-of-life cycle becomes paramount. This issue explores innovative strategies for recycling primary battery components such as anodes and cathodes. By recovering these valuable materials, researchers are promoting a circular economy within the battery industry. This not only reduces environmental footprint but also paves the way for a more sustainable and resource-efficient future for energy storage.

ESTA remains at the forefront of disseminating crucial research on energy storage technologies. This issue embodies the journal's commitment to exploring diverse research avenues. From the development of novel materials to the creation of sustainable battery production methods and the implementation of responsible recycling practices, ESTA continues to illuminate the path towards a more efficient and environmentally conscious energy storage landscape.

Table of Contents


Firman Asto Putro, Cornelius Satria Yudha, Windhu Griyasti Suci, Esa Nur Shohih, Muhammad Iqbal Al Fuady, Himmah Sekar Eka Ayu Gustiana, Dyah Ayu Mutiara Anggraeni, Fadhilah Nurayuni Priyaningsih
Enni Apriliyani, Chofifah Indar Parawangsyah, Khaerul Anwar, Nadiyah Zalfa, Sri Tria Rahmawati Tria Rahmawati, Soraya Ulfa Muzayanha, Khikmah Nur Rikhy Stulasti