Improving Grid Reliability in Jordan: A Proposal for Integrated Demand Side Management and Energy Storage Solutions

Rami Rzouq, Faisal Jazar, Yazid Shuqair, Ahmad Hiary, Hashem Alzoube, Rakan Algharaghyr


Increased use of Renewable energy systems (RES) in Jordan has posed a major challenge in maintaining our grid stability. Jordan a country that relies on imported natural resources to power up its grid is using more and more RES with an aim to cut back on costs and CO2 emissions. This paper investigates the usage of Demand Side Management (DSM) and Energy Storage Systems (ESS) to improve the grid’s reliability. A survey was conducted to analyze the opinion and acceptance of the Jordanian population on the implementation of DSM in Jordan. (ESS) mentioned in detail in this paper are: Compressed Air Energy Storage Systems (CAES), Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Systems(SMES), and Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Systems(PHES). The survey conducted showed a general scope of willingness of participation from people with 71.7% out of the 385 individuals who participated in the survey saying that they will participate in such a program if implemented in Jordan.

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