The Impact of pH And Temperature on the Crystallization Process of Coconut Palm Sugar

Aulia Bunga Kencana, Erwana Dewi, Muhammad Taufik


Abstract. This experiment concerns the optimization of coconut sugar production by using innovative processing methods. The raw material, coconut sap, is systematically collected through tapping coconut flowers to ensure consistency. Focusing on the process of coconut sap into coconut sugar in a convenient powdered form emphasizes a systematic approach. The research utilizes a controlled heating method with a crystallizer, introducing variations in pH and temperature. This research was to determine the best temperature and ph to produce coconut palm sugar products that comply with several SNI 3743: 2021 standards. To solve the problems associated with traditional palm sugar production emphasizes the need for innovative and efficient approaches. The results  show that quality of palm sugar: sucrose content of 86.93%, moisture content of 1.03%, ash content of 1.65% and Pb content according to Indonesian Nasional Standard of palm sugar SNI 3743:2021. This systematic and innovative approach aligns coconut sugar with the quality standards specified in SNI 3743:2021, offering a high-quality and marketable form


Coconut Nira, Palm Sugar, Volume, pH

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