The Effects of Fermentation Extent and Acid Concentration on Bioethanol from HVS Paper Waste

Rizka Mulyawan, Rizka Nurlaila, Tsa Tsa Anindya Rakhim Ahmadi, Muhammad Muhammad, Novi Sylvia, Agam Muarif


Abstract. Bioethanol is an alternative energy sourced from environmentally friendly raw materials from wastes that contain a lot of lignocellulosic such as HVS paper. Paper contains about 85% cellulose, 8% hemicellulose, 5% lignin and the rest is in the form of ash compounds. Bioethanol is ethanol produced from the fermentation of glucose (sugar) followed by a distillation process. This study aims to analyze the effect of a combination of fermentation time and concentration of sulfuric acid on bioethanol. The highest yield of beathanol was obtained at a hydrolysis concentration of 6.5% with a 7-day fermentation time of 3.45%. Bioethanol density that was close to standard was 3.5% acid concentration with 3 and 5 days fermentation. Moreover, at 3.5% acid concentration showed the closest bioethanol viscosity to the standard value with all conditions synthesized acidic bioethanol with pH ranged from 6 to 6.5


Bioethanol, Fermentation, HVS paper, Sulfuric acid

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