Pengaruh Fraksi Minyak dan Emulsifier serta Kecepatan Pengadukan terhadap Karakteristik Emulsi Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari (Helianthus annuus L.) dalam Air (M/A)

Margono Margono, Eudia Novianty Putri, Evan Gumilar


ABSTRAK. Emulsi M/A basis krim minyak biji bunga matahari memiliki keunggulan menjaga kelembaban kulit, anti inflamasi, mudah diaplikasikan, tidak lengket, dan mudah dicuci dengan air. Formula memiliki peran penting dalam pembuatan basis krim karena formula yang tidak tepat menyebabkan perubahan sifat dan karakteristik yang drastis. Percobaan ini dipelajari untuk mengetahui pengaruh fraksi emulsifier, fraksi minyak biji bunga matahari, dan kecepatan pengadukan terhadap karakteristik basis krim. Karakteristik yang diamati adalah daya sebar, diameter globula, dan stabilitas basis krim. Basis krim dibuat dalam beberapa formula dan berbagai kecepatan pengadukan ketika fase minyak dituangkan ke dalam fase air secara bertahap. Suhu kerja dijaga antara 60-70 oC selama 30 menit saat pencampuran. Pengamatan daya sebar dan diameter globula dilakukan setiap 5 menit, sedangkan stabilitas hanya diamati pada akhir proses. Perlakuan terpilih berupa kecepatan pengadukan 2000 rpm pada pengemulsi 4% dan minyak biji bunga matahari 10% menghasilkan basis krim dengan daya sebar 7,1 + 0,68 cm dan diameter globula 12,7 + 1,62 µm. Semua formula dan kecepatan pengadukan menghasilkan basis krim M/A dengan stabilitas yang baik.

Kata kunci: basis krim, emulsi M/A kecepatan pengadukan, minyak biji bunga matahari, emulsifier

ABSTRACT. The O/W emulsion of sunflower seed oil base cream has the advantage of maintaining skin moisture, anti-inflammatory, easy to apply, not sticky, and easily washed off with water. A Formula has an important role in a base cream manufacturing due to improper formula causing drastic changes in the properties and characteristics. These experiments were studied to investigate the effects of fraction of natural emulsifier, fraction of sunflower seed oil, and impeller speed on the base cream characteristics. The characteristics observed were spreadability, globule diameter, and stability of the base cream. The base cream was prepared in some formulas and various of impeller speeds when the oil phase was poured into the water phase gradually. The working temperature was kept between 60-70oC for 30 minutes of mixing. Observations of the spreadability and the globule diameter were conducted every 5 minutes, while the stability just observed at the end of process. The treatment of 2000 rpm of impeller speed on 4% of emulsifier and 10% of sunflower seed oil resulted in the base cream with spreadability of 7.1 + 0.68 cm and globule diameter of 12.7 + 1.62 µm, while all of the formulas and   impeller speeds resulted in O/W base cream having good stability

Keywords: Base Cream, Impeller Speed, Natural Emulsifier, O/W emulsion, Sunflower Seed Oil


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