Ari Diana Susanti, Puspito Teguh Prakoso, Hari Prabawa


Pineapple skin is an agricultural waste that has a carbohydrate content of about 10:54% and the skin of pineapple juice glucose levels by 17% so it can be utilized to ethanol. Hydrolysis reaction is so slow that the reaction requires a catalyst. The catalyst used in this study were hydrochloric acid (HCl). This study aims to Learn how to use the skin of pineapple waste as alternative raw material manufacture bioethanol. The variables studied were the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the hydrolysis and fermentation time. Sorghum starch hydrolysis process using a three neck flask equipment, mercury stirrer, heating mantle, cooling behind and a thermometer to measure temperature. Sampling for glucose analysis performed when the temperature reaches 100oC every 45 minutes to obtain optimum glucose levels. Glucose samples were analyzed by using the Lane-Eynon. Data analysis showed the longer the higher the hydrolysis of the resulting glucose levels, but there are times when the glucose level will drop over time for glucose resulting damage due to continuous heating. In the fermentation process is carried out with fermentation time of 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, 120 hours fiber. The most optimum bacterial activity is a long fermentation for 96 hours. Distillation process carried out on the final results of ethanol fermentation and obtained the highest levels of 31.399%.

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