YC Danarto, Sri Rahayu Kurniawati, Yulia Kusumawati


Sorption to iron-oxide coated sand is a promising technology for removal of dissolved heavy metal fraction in aqueous solution waste industry due to the availability this material in Indonesia and economic considerations. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of temperature upon equilibrium constant using lsoterm Langmuir adsorption model and lsoterm Freundlich adsorption model. This experiment was started by determining equilibrium time as a basic time running this experiment. Adsorption experiment was conducted at stirred glass tank by making 5 mg!L ZnCl2 solutions. This solution was added with iron oxide coated sand as adsorbent. A few minutes before equilibrium time, sample was drawn and the remaining concentration was measured by AAS. The results showed that the adsorption temperature had significant effect to adsorption Zn2+onto iron oxide coated sand as adsorbent. The effect of temperature upon equilibrium constant using lsoterm Langmuir model followed the equation b [-831.41] = 0.22452exp T with relative error 6.98%. The effect of temperature upon equilibrium constant using lsoterm Freundlich model followed the equation kF = 0.05797 1 exp (-0. 003 T) and n = 3 with relative errors respectively 6. 57% and 4. 52%.

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