Adrian Nur, Arif Jumari, Endang Kwartiningsih


The use of synthetic colourants as additive materials for food consumption has very high health risk because they contain many dangerous materials like heavy metals. In consequence, it is required to conduct a continuous development to find various natural colourant from organic materials, which is more acceptable for human’s body. Pineapple is one of popular fruit in Indonesia. The consumption is not only in household scope, but also in industrial scope, like jam industry. Exploiting in this industrial scale yield various waste like husk and hard pineapple liver. This hard pineapple liver contain a number of caroten pigment, and can be extracted to get some natural colourant. The research aims was to know volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kca) of pineapple liver waste extraction process. The research was carried out in a tank with agitation at various speed turn around of agitation, compiling an equation that links speed turn around of agitation with kca value, and do the proper test for the natural colourant product. The research results an equation that links speed turn around of agitation with kca value in the speed turn around of agitation range between 400 to 1000 rpm. 0.6071 2 2 c i i L k a × d ρ × N× d = 0.2873 × D µ             Microbiological test and organoleptic test show that the natural colourant safe for additive material in food consumption.

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