Sperisa Distantina, Endah R. Dyartanti, Enny K. Artati


Although seaweeds of Glacilaria species are cultivated in Indonesia, study of this extraction rate is scare. The mass transfer process  on batch extraction of agar   was studied by extracting seaweed using water  as the solvent. The effect of seaweed-water ratio  on yield and the parameters which appeared in the mathematical model proposed were investigated.  Seaweeds, glacilaria from Bali, were soaked in an aquoeus acetic acid solution of 0.6N.  After being neutralized, the seaweeds were extracted using hot water of 95oC in a closed tree necks bottle in water bath. The bottle was equipped by a water condenser and a mercury stirrer for agitation. Some of extract samples at various time were dried dan weighed.  Based on the experimental data and the mathematical model proposed, the mass transfer coefficient were evaluated by numerically least square. The mathematical model turned out to be able to simulate the mass transfer process. There were found that equilibrium constant was  0.0662 g seaweed/ mL solvent. The yield increases with the decreasing of seaweed-water ratio. The faster rate of extraction would be obtained by extraction with higher the seaweed-water ratio.

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