Indexed by:
Dwidjoseputro, 1992, “Pengantar Fisiologi Tumbuhan”, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta.
El Enany, A. E., and Mazen, A. M., 1994 ,” Isolation of Pb-binding Protein of Water Hyacinth(Eichhornia Crassipes ) Grow in River Water”, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 87(1) : 357-362.
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Moorbead, K.K., 1993, “ Bath Anaerobic Digestion of Water Hyacinth Effects of Particle size, plant Nitrogen Content, and inoculum Volume“, Bioresource Technology, 44(1) : 71-76.
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Salisbury, B. F., 1995, “ Fisiologi Tumbuhan “, Penerbit ITB, Bandung.
Singh, A.K., and Ram,B., 1999, “Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil and Vegetation in the Vicinity of Industries”, Water Air and Soil Pollution, 115(1) : 347-361.
Steenis, J. V., 1997, “Flora untuk Sekolah di Indonesia”, PT. Pradnya Paramitha, Jakarta.
Tjitrosudiro, G., 1997, “Morfologi Tumbuhan”, Gadjah Mada Universuty Press UGM, Yogyakarta.