Dwi Ardiana Setyawardhani, Yoenitasari Yoenitasari, Sri Wahyuningsih


Ethyl Format was produced by esterification between ethanol and formic acid in the presence of sulfuric acid as catalyst. This research studied temperature and catalyst concentration influence to reaction conversion and rate constants. Esterification was done in a laboratory batch reactor with an isothermal and equimolar of reactants conditions. The catalyst concentrations were varied from 0,0923%w/w to 0,9231%w/w and the temperatures were varied from 30oC to 70oC. A quantitative analysis was done by measured the rest of formic acid concentration. The results indicated that the reaction was optimum at 0,3692%w/w sulfuric acid and at the temperature of 50oC. The related equations were given by : k = 6,51.10-3e (-141,9868/RT)* ln Ckatalis with 2,19% errors for the variation of catalyst concentration and k = 3,1143 e (-1079/R)*1/T with 6,52% errors for the temperature variation. By combined all of the datas, an equation which is involved both variables could be given by : k = 6,88.10-3 e-(-100,1965/R) *(ln Ckatalis)/T with 18,29% errors.

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