Muljadi Muljadi, Wusana Agung W, Samun Triyoko, Erik Wicaksono, Jati Kurniawan, Wahyu Rudi A, Sriyono Sriyono


Generally liquid waste from house hold and industries contain of BOD, COD, and TSS at the highly sufficient concentration. Handling the problems of liquid waste pollution, the development of biologic liquid waste treatment installations was needed. Rotating Biological Contactors (RBCs) was one of the liquid waste treatment process that include in biologic treatment by an aerobic way. The research has been done by analyzing the characteristics of liquid waste which contains BOD so that RBCs was required. It was hoped that by having done the treatment, BOD can be reduced in order to fill the standard of liquid waste quality of PT. Sarasa Nugraha Tbk in Karanganyar. The purposes of the research were to know the suitable RBCs’ dimension with the capability in reducing BOD, to know the ability of “ijuk” as media for the growing of aerobic bacteria, and to know the efficiency of RBCs. The research used an RBCs installation on laboratory scale with six variations of time such as 1 hour, 2 hour, 4 hour, 6 hour, 24 hour, and 48 hour for samples analyzing. The input of liquid waste contained 2006 mg/l of BOD. After the treatment had been done with the six variations of time, BOD decreased chronologically – 1816mg/l of BOD in 1 hour, 1624 mg/l of BOD in 2 hours, 148 mg/l of BOD in 4 hours, 1023 mg/l of BOD in 6 hours, 941 mg/l of BOD in 24 hour, and 933 mg/l of BOD in 48 hours. It can be concluded that RBCs can reduced the BOD concentration in the liquid waste of PT. Sarasa Nugraha Tbk in Karanganyar. We can also knew that ‘ijuk’ was an effective media for the growing of bacteria that was indicated with the high decreasing of BOD.

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