Dwi Ardiana Setyawardhani, Yustinah Yustinah


Over the last few years, omega-3 fatty acids were interested for healthy food consumption. The fatty acids were produced by hydrolysis of cod liver oil in the presence of HCl as catalyst. The aim of this research was to estimate the reaction rate parameters. The experiment was carried out in a stirred-batch reactor equipped with condensor and temperature controller to maintain it isothermally. The equivalent ratio of water/oil was fixed at 10 times and the catalyst was set 0.1% oil based. This hydrolysis reaction was observed in a heterogen reaction, because of the oil-water solubility, and temperature vary at 323 – 363 0K. There were mass transfer and chemical reaction simultaneously.  Temperature absolutely affected the reaction rate constant. It developed on the ln k = 2,1112 + 1504,6 (1/T) equations. On he other hand, it had only a small effect on the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (Kca).

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