Y.C. Danarto, Roihan Firdausi, Yohanes Sigit Kurniawan


Oleoresin is one of refined products from ginger and nutmeg, and also one of the high economic export commodities compared to other processed products. Oleoresin produced through conventional extraction process using organic solvent for about 2 hours. Microwave as one of the heater is expected to be another alternative. This study aimed to determine the effect of power (watts) and time to yield and to compare the yield between the conventional process and microwave process at the same time. The result showed that the yield of oleoresin produced by microwave extraction process is greater than the conventional extraction and meet established quality criteria. The optimum yield of ginger oleoresin was obtained at 200 watts power and 25 minutes. While the optimum yield of nutmeg oleoresin was obtained at 300 watts power and 15 minutes.

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