Wusana Agung Wibowo, Tri Suseno, Mulyono Mulyono


Semi-solidification of ethanol solution as fuel for heating process in communities will improve safety, because gel phase will not spread when it’s spilled. For this purpose, gelling agent that has good interaction with ethanol solution is needed. Carbopol ((C3H4O2)n) is a good gelling agent for water-based solution. The suitable concentration of carbopol as gelling agent in the solution is in the range of 0,5-2,0%w with pH of mixture is in the range of 5–7. Aims of this study were to understand the process of ethanol gel production and to observe the effect of addition different amount of carbopol to physical characteristic of the gel. Water heating test was also done in order to find the optimum chemicals composition. Ethanol gel was made by slowly adding the certain amount of carbopol (0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.4; and 1.6 gram) in 100 mL ethanol solution (70%w). After it reached homogenity (about 45 minutes), 1 mL of 1N sodium hydroxide solution was slowly added while continue stirring until the gel was formed. We found that each gel has no significant different in the physical characteristics. Ethanol gel ignition time was fast (less than 1 second) with blue-transparent flame. In this study, 5 gram of ethanol gel consumed 7.2–8.4 minutes for complete burning and left 13–4.2%w solid residue. The measured flame temperatur were 725–751oC. Based on water heating test, the optimum value of heat absorbed (kal)/minutes/gram of ethanol gel was reached at 1.2 gram addition of carbopol.

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