Endang Mastuti, Arum Widya Laksmi Paramitha, Eva Ferliana Chaerunisa


Generally, people make use of cassava bark to feed livestocks. Very often, they just throw it away as waste or rubbish.  In order to increase the economical value of it, the cassava bark is attempted to be alternative substance to create glucose through hydrolysis. This research is meant to uncover the effect of rotation speed and substance ratio at cassava bark flour hydrolysis towards the reducing glucose being produced, and hydrolysis reaction constant of cassava bark with acid chloride catalyst. The constant variable of this research is the cooking volume of 250 ml and the cooking temperature of 950C (boiling temperature). The observed variable is the rotation speed (100 rpm, 150 rpm, 200 rpm, and 250 rpm) and substance ratio (20 gr, 25 gr, 30 gr, and 35 gr. The sample of glucose is analysed using Lane-Eynon Method. The analysis of the data reveals that the more the rotation speed and substance ratio, the more glucose degree is produced. Moreover, the longer the reaction period, the higher the glucose degree is  produced. Maximum glucose production is gained at the operation condition of the speed rotation at 250 rpm and the substance ratio is 35 gram. In this research, in regard with orde one reaction, the constant of reaction speed at 0,0202 – 0,0243/minute and substance ratio variable at 0.023 – 0.052/minute is gained.

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