Endang Kwartiningsih, Atika Andani, Sri Budiastuti, Aryo Nugroho, Fina Rahmawati


If the rubber of banana patches at clothes, it can’t be cleaned by detergent. The rubber of banana can be used as natural dyes that replace the synthetic dyes. The rubber was extracted in soxhlet equipment by water as a solvent at various of banana tree such as raja, kepok and ambon banana. Besides it was also studied the extraction of the rubber at various part of banana tree like tree bar, handle of leaf and fruit handle. The next processing were distillation and drying. Rendemen of dye at fruit handle was higher than at handle of leaf and also tree bar. The highest rendemen was obtained at fruit handle of kepok banana, it was 2.45%. The absorbance of dye at tree bar was higher than at handle of leaf and also handle of fruit. The higher absorbance was obtained at tree bar of kepok banana, it was 0.43. The higher absorbance, the older obtained color. The dyes powder was tested in coloring and color fading to the white cloth by laundrymeter. The analysis of Staining Scale showed that almost various and part of banana were good value, only the fruit handle of raja banana and leaf handle of kepok banana were good enough value. It meant that the color discolored the other cloth. But the analysis of Gray Scale showed that only the leaf handle of raja banana, fruit handle of kepok banana and tree bar of kepok banana were good value, and the other various and part of banana were enough and less value.

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