Nunik Sri Wahjuni, Setyo Hadi Purnomo, Wida Banar Kusumaningrum


Organic waste treatment using Sanitary Landfill method always generate the leachate of BOD and COD with high concentration. If leachate was directly thrown to the territorial water, it can contaminate the water and soil environments. Water be stinky and can’t be used to drink or washing. Hence, it was needed treatment to reduce the organic compounds. The aims of this research were to reduce the organic compounds of the leachate, to know the optimum conditions in processing leachate using anaerobic bioreactor, and to get the kinetic constants of process the anaerobic biodegradation. It was used anaerobic bioreactor with anaerobic bacterium. This method was able to eliminate leachate with high organic substance burden and also able to reduce cost of process because the aeration equipments were not needed. It was used leachate from TPA Putri Cempo, Mojosongo. Leachate, as influent mixed with water in ratio 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3. This mixture were feed to anaerobic bioreactor with constant flow rate. The efluent then analyzed to obtain data of BOD5 concentration. The optimum conditions in processing leachate using anaerobic bioreactor were residence time 2 days, influent at 1:3 ratio leachate to water,  and the kinetic constants of process the anaerobic biodegradation were k = 3.5543/d ; ks = 68.3714 mg/L ; Y = 1.4753 ; kd = 0.49796/d and µm = 5.243/d.

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