Arif Jumari, Wusana Agung Wibowo, Handayani handayani, Indika Ariyani


Annacardium occidentale known as jambu mete are grown well in Indonesia. The fruit of jambu mete contains of 15.9 % carbohydrate that can be hydrolyzed to produce glucose, and then it is fermented into etanol using yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisiae). Objectives of this research were to know how to make etanol from jambu mete’s fruit extract, to know relation between fermentation time and amount of yeast to etanol production, and to determine the highest amount of etanol between 5 to 10 days for each variation of amount of yeast. A thousand grams of jambu mete’s fruit were mixed with 1500 ml of aquadest to produce pasta solution. This solution was then fermented, with variation of fermentation time and the amount of yeast. After fermentation, the solution was then purified by distillation to obtain the higher compotition of etanol. Results of the research is the longer of fermentation time and the higher of amount of yeast the higher composition of etanol can be produced. The highest composition of etanol was obtained at 10 days of fermentation and 20 grams of yeast, it is about 3,2 grams of etanol/100 grams of jambu mete.

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