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Water disposal of processing “tofu” and sugar mill waste (molasses) could be made became valuable new product for human life called “nata de soya”. The objectives of this study were to investigate the optimum concentration level of molasses and the optimum fermentation time for nata de soya process. The fermentation was done on molasses at the variation of concentration 0 %, 5 %, and 10 % v/v by substituted the sugar concentration. It also used the variation of fermentation times 10, 14 and 18 days. The fermentation was done at pH 4 and temperatures 25-30oC using Acetobacter xylinum. The products were analyzed by factorial anova experiment design 3x3. The quality of nata was decided by investigated on crude fiber, moisture and microbiology test. The optimum conditions were the concentration 10 % v/v for level of molasses and 18 days for the fermentation times. The crude fiber was 2,4 % and moisture was 94,90 %.
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Mukromi, DW, A, dkk, 2004, “Pembuatan Nata de Cane dari Nira Tebu”, Laboratorium Dasar Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknik, UNS, Surakarta
Pranoto, 1999. “Pengelolaan Lingkungan di Perusahaan Tahu (Unit Pengolahan Air Limbah)”. Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup. UNS, Surakarta.
Sudarmadji, S, 1984, “Prosedur Analisis untuk Bahan Makanan dan Pertanian”, Liberty, Yogyakarta
Sudjana, 1991, “Desain dan Analisis Eksperimen”, Penerbit Transito, Bandung., “Pemanfaatan molase dan ketela pohon sebagai sumber karbon untuk media pertumbuhan bakteri”.