Endang Mastuti, Amanda Ayu, Purwanti Purwanti


Cassava peel is generally used as animal feed and sometimes just thrown away. To increase the economic value of cassava peels used as alternative materials to manufacture glucose by hydrolysis. This study aims to determine the effect of material and the concentration ratio of acid to the peel of cassava starch hydrolysis of the resulting reduction of glucose and starch hydrolysis reaction rate constants of the cassava peel with hydrochloric acid catalyst. Variables remained in the study was 250 ml volume of cooking and temperature 95oC (boiling temperature). Variable is the ratio of materials that were reviewed (30 gr, 40 gr, 50 gr and 60 gr) and acid concentration (0.05 N, 0.1 N; 0.15 N; and 0.2 N). Glucose samples were analyzed by using the Lane-Eynon. Data analysis showed the material and the larger the ratio of acid concentration, the glucose formed higher. So also with increasing reaction time, glucose is formed also higher. Operating conditions which result in maximum glucose in the ratio 5:1 material and acid concentration 0.2 N. In this study the reaction of first order reaction rate constants obtained in ratio of materials from 0.0116 to 0.0172/min and at variable acid concentrations from 0.0157 to 0.0252/min.

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