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The policy of Indonesian Government on supporting renewable energy resources developments has increased bioethanol research, both upstream or downstream processes. The objective of this research was to improve bioethanol productivity using immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiaeFNCC 3012 on sugarcane baggase surfaces. Fermentation process was devided into 2 steps, first was growth stepof developing biofilm and second step was production process of bioethanol. Biofilm development was done for 72 hours by aerobic fermentation and followed by anaerobic fermentation producing bioethanol for 72 hours. Some volumetric flows of medium was implemented on the process, i.e. 1.44, 3.36 and 4.56 L/hr. The best concumption of glucose in this research was showed by 20 g/L glucose in input and 0.15 g/L glucose in the output medium. The increasing flowrate of medium into bioreactor results on decreasing of bioethanol concentration in output of the bioreactor. The optimum medium flowrate was 1.44 L/hrwhich was producing bioethanol concentration of 8.75% v/v.
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Shindo, S., Takata, S., Haruo, T., dan Yoshimura, N., 2001, Development of Novel Carrier Using Natural Zeolite and Continuous Ethanol Fermentation With Immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae In a Bioreactor, Biotechnology Letters, 23, 2001-2004.