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Anthocyanin is a water-soluble pigment which can easily be found in several plants. Anthocyanin can be recovered by extracting the petal of rosella flower using aquadest as the solvent. This research aims to get the all anthocyanin in rosella by extraction, to analyze the effect of temperature, mixing speed, the ratio of extraction material and solvent. Using the same material, soxhlet extraction was run until the solvent become clear. The total anthocyanin produced was 47,50 %. The second method using three-neck flask showed the optimum condition at the weight ratio of 9 gram, 100oC and 200 rpm. The extraction carried out for 120 minutes resulted 0,0695 gram of anthocyanin. To determine the concentration of anthocyanin in the extract, samples were analyzed using UV-Vis Spectrofotometer. At the optimum condition, the anthocyanin content in the extract was 0,0246 mg anthocyanin / mL solution.
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