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Potato has high content of carbohydrate (starch), so it can be used as raw material for the glucose production. The basic principle to produce glucose from potatoes is hidrolysis of polysaccharides (starch) into monosaccharides and disaccharides. In this work, potatoes were converted into glucose syrup by hydrolysis using hydrochloric acid as catalyst. The aim of this work is to study the effect of acid concentration on the reaction rate. Hydrolysis was carried out with constant parameters, namely 20 gram of starch, 300 rpm of its rotational speed and the operating temperature of 100°C, and variable parameters including acid concentration (0.5 N, 1 N, 1.5 N, and 2 N) and the hydrolyzing time (30 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 120 minutes, and 150 minutes). The glucose content were analyzed using the Lane-Eynon methode. The data analysed showed the higher concentration of acid and time of hydrolysis caused higher glucose formed. Optimum operating conditions was at 2 N HCL as catalyst. In this study, by assuming a pseudo-first order reaction, the reaction rate constants obtained at range of 0.0047 to 0.0076/min.
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