Paryanto Paryanto, Sartanto Sartanto, Valentino Adi Nugroho


Carbon dioxide content in biogas produced by fermentation  is still high. Because of that, biogas need a process purification to reduce carbon dioxide content. In this work, Ca(OH)2  solution was contacted with biogas in a column for reducing the CO2 content. This research studied the effect of packing type used in absorber column on the rate of CO2 reduction. Based on experimental data and modelling, it was found that the reaction between CO2 and Ca(OH)2  followed first order reaction. The constant of rate reaction was affected by the packing type which using glass ball, plastic pipe, ceramic, wood, and clay roof, the constant rate were 0.781, 0.464, 0.916, 0.637, and 0.987 min-1, respectively.

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