Bhimo Rizky Samudro


This paper examines the contours of economic performance at global and continental/regional Levels during 1950.\·-2000s through growth rate observation, After outlining the global economic pattern. this paper attempts to construct comparative analysis between global and continental/regional economic performance. Some principles of political economy are employed in line with this analysis. including principle of uneven development (Core-Periphery) and long wal'e. The first result concludes that the world and most regions. experienced long-wave upswings during 1950-1973, followed by long-wave downswings during 1974-2010. Secondly. in the continental/regional scope, there are some structural linkages for assigning membership to the three classes of core, semi-periphery. and periphery (C-SP-P) which indicated the phenomenon of uneven development. Underlying 011 those results. therefore, there is a need to search for a critical approach to uneven development issues. The political economy of uneven development provides alternative analyses to global and continental/regional level through long wcll'e.

Keywords: uneven development, economic performance, political economy. triangle-logic model


uneven development, economic performance, political economy. triangle-logic model

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