Damar Adi Nugroho, Bambang Santosa


Damar Adi Nugroho. D0312021. 2017. CONFLICT SOLUTION IN THE FAMILY (Case Studi on The Family in Watusomo Village, Slogohimo Subdistrict, Wonogiri) Desa Watusomo, Kecamatan Slogohimo, Kabupaten Wonogiri). Undergraduated thessis. Sociology Program. Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

Talking about family, conflicts are attached and cannot be separated. Many conflicts happen inside the families and they have various kind of the ways they solve the problems, through discussion, or through asking third person to help, however if the conflicts are too complicated ans cannot be solved, divorce is the only way they choose to solve the conflicts.

In collecting data, researcher do the observation, the intense interview towards the families in the village of Watusomo and also take pictures of situation on site as documentation. The type of the research is descriptive qualitative in which the researcher observes the phenomenon inside the family and studies the solutions taken to solve the problems. Seven respondants from seven families with different background are  taken in this research. Each respondent represents families cathegories in Watusomo.

Through observing and interviewing, researcher draw the conclusions that the problem solutions are well done in Watusomo. A good communication is becoming the key to harmony in the family. Families also faced conflicts of all kinds, economic conflicts, parenting children, and unhonest. The pattern of settlement of the conflict is also diverse, settlement with the help of a third person, an internal discussion of family, and divorce.


Keywords : family, conflict solution

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