Nabiila Yumna Ghina, Siti Zunariyah


The problem of global environment is a reflection of the international community against the occurrence of environmental damage or pollution which is caused by the existence of development activities. This development has been triggering the acceleration of climate change that should be a natural phenomenon. Through the Kyoto Protocol Agreement, the world community agreed to reduce GHG emissions. Indonesia is one of the contributing countries in reducing GHG emissions by creating Program Kampung Iklim (PROKLIM) which is an environmental management activity based on community empowerment. PROKLIM has been applied to the city of Surakarta, namely in Kampung Sambirejo, Kampung Sondakan, Kampung Sekip, and Kampung Kandang Doro. This study aimed to see the process of community empowerment and the role of actors, social capital, and community participation in Kampung Iklim in Surakarta.

This research used the theory of community empowerment and social action by Max Weber. This research used qualitative method with a multiple-case study approach. Case studies are selected because they can be used to examine specific cases with clear boundaries. The process of collecting data is done through several techniques, such as interview, observation, and documentation. Analysis in this research had been done through three techniques, namely pattern matching, explanation making, and time series analysis. The author used purposive sampling technique to obtain data in this study, so the samples in this research is representative and fit with the data needed for this study. The informants in this study are Kampung Iklim Leaders and Kampung Iklim community.

In the implementation of PROKLIM, DLH Kota Surakarta and Kampung Iklim actors performed the stages of community empowerment process, namely the stage of awareness, the appointment of problems and problem-solving, the stages of the implementation of the plan and publication of information, and community empowerment. Actors of Kampung Iklim used several empowerment approaches in an effort to empower the community, which called the 5P approach. This study also illustrates social capital and community participation in Kampung Iklim, as well as the actions used by Kampung Iklim actors in the implementation of PROKLIM. In the application of PROKLIM, there are benefits and constraints. These benefits are viewed economically, socially, and environmentally. As for the obstacles faced by these Climate Villages, there are obstacles that can be overcame and some obstacles are not.


Keyword: Actor, Community, Community Empowerment, Social Capital, Participation

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p-ISSN  0215-9635