HUBUNGAN KERJA PATRON KLIEN DI SENTRA INDUSTRI PEMBUATAN GENTENG WINONG (Studi Kasus antara Majikan dengan Buruh Sentra Industri Pembuatan Genteng di Desa Gulun, Kecamatan Maospati, Kabupaten Magetan, Provinsi Jawa Timur)

Sucy Prabawati Wibawa, Bambang Santosa


This study aims to describe the pattern of patron client working relationship that occurs between the employer and their employees in tile’s industrial center at Gulun Village, Maospati District, Magetan Regency, East Java Province. The authors use social exchange theory which is presented by George C. Homans that relates to the employment relationship called Patron Client which is presented by James C. Scott. This study is a single case study with an approuch of qualitative descriptive. The data were taken through interview, observation and documentation. The informants were selected through purposive sampling technique. The data validity uses data triangulation method. This study uses interactive model of analysis to analyze the obtained data.

The results of this study conclude that the working relationship between the employer and their employees is free. They look like a family. But employees still fulfill the obligations and they get a rights as an employee according part of the employment relationship such as employment agreements, employee recruitment system, the division of labor, remuneration, social insurance provision, and conflict resolution. The relationship between each other is fine and smooth. It aims to illustrate that the relationship is casual, familial, and trust. The provision of social insurance in "Winong" tile’s industrial center with way employers provides health insurance to their employees when they are sick. The employer gives some money that can be used for treatment or massage.  When their employees get a severe pain and can't work for long time, the employer shows them care with way of  visiting their employees and bring a gift for them. In this working relationship patterns there is a mutual relationships which is beneficial to each other.  Then the pattern of the employment relationship can  run well when there is a conflict. An alternative solution is taken through peacefull discussion  to find the solution that can benefit each other.

Keywords: Employment, Patron Client, Industry

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan


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p-ISSN  0215-9635