Ardietya Kurniawan, Muh Rosyid Ridlo


This research is a descriptive qualitative research types that focus on the fieldresearch and did not rule out library study that aims to describe the adolescent consumptive behavior of coffee connoisseurs in district of Plaosan, Magetan. The sampling techniques used in this research ware purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Samples taken in this study was the adolescent in Plaosan who were glad to consume coffee. Data collection method used were in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Analysis of the data used was interactive analysis that includes data collection, data reduction, the presentation of data, and the withdrawal of the conclusion. The results of this study indicate that the characteristics that stand out on a coffee connoisseur adolescent seen from lifestyle and his social life was spent much of his time with his friends. Factors that influence adolescents to consume coffee because of the motivation of the individual, the individual economies, teammates and family. Motivation in adolescents coffee connoisseur is to fulfill his wishes, supported by the economic support and teammates who made the coffee connoisseur adolescents more comfortable in doing the activities of consumption. Consumptive behavior was done by adolescent coffee connoisseur is to choose the site, the types of drinks to their favorites, choosing snacks as a friend drinking coffee, selecting friend invitation, a time that fits their expectations, how to enjoy drinks, chatting, smoking, the atmosphere when consuming coffee and putting aside allowance.

Keywords: adolescent, consumerist, coffee

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