Kajian Penggunaan Berbagai Macam Eksplan dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh pada Perbanyakan Tanaman Jati (Tectona grandis) Secara In Vitro
Study on the Use of Various Explants Material and Growth Controlling SUbtaces on Teak (Tectona grandis) in In Vitro Propagation. The research was done in Biology Laboratoy and Tissue Culture Laboratory of Sebelas Maret University. The research aim to study the effect of explant material (seeds, buds, nodes), effect of Growth Controlling Subtaces (IAA and BAP), and interaction effect of explants material and concentration of Growth Controlling Subtances to the growth of Teak which was propagated in vitro.
The research was carried in two experiments using factorial design which was arranged in completely randomized. The first experiments employed two treatment, IAA concentration and Explant material; while the second experiment employed the treatment of BAP concentration and explants materials.
The research concluded that propagation of teak using nodes was better than using seeds and buds. Application of 4 pp/1 IAA and 4 ppm BAP increased the number of teak buds. There was a significant interaction effect between explants material and the use of IAA and BAP.Keywords
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