Choiroel Anam, Sri Handayani


Noodle is kind of most popular food. Dry noodle is raw noodle that dry till 8 - 10 % moisture contents. It’s raw material is wealth flour that imported. So that it is necessary to reduce wealth flour consumption in dry noodle production. It can substitute by yellow pumpkin. Yellow pumpkin is local plant that a lot. Angkak is fermented rice by Monascus sp that contain antosianin (red color agent) can use as natural colorant. So that, its need study to define exactly the percentage of wealth flour, yellow pumpkin and angkak flour in dry noodle production that accept by consumer. It is also to know the effect of yellow pumpkin and angkak addition on antioxidant activity and nutrient content (moisture, ash and protein content), also the effect on sensory character (color, aroma, elasticity, taste and overall). This study use factorial completely random design with two factors, first factor is the yellow pumpkin substitute (0%, 20 %, 30% and 40%) on wealth flour and second factor is the angkak flour addition (0%,1%,2%and 3%). The result of this study shown the most prefer yellow pumpkin percentage use by the panelist is dry noodle with 20 % substitute treat combine without angkak flour addition. As bigger as yellow pumpkin substitute will increase the moisture and ash content, then protein content and antioxidant activity insignificantly decrease. As bigger as angkak flour addition will increase the ash, protein content and antioxidant activity, then moisture content decrease. The dry noodle’s aroma and taste was unaffected by the yellow pumpkin substitute and angkak addition. As bigger as angkak flour addition, will decrease the elasticity score by the panelist. Overall parameter, was almost unaffected by the yellow pumpkin substitute and angkak addition. The highest score is dry noodle with 20 % yellow pumpkin substitute treat without angkak flour addition.


waluh; yellow pumpkin; angkak flour; dry noodle

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