Ayu Intan Sari, Sutrisno Hadi Purnomo, Shanti Emawati, Endang Tri Rahayu, Bayu Setya Hertanto, Muhammad Abdul Haris


Fresh milk is highly nutritious food because its contain substances that complete food. The high nutritional value of milk causes a media which is preferred by the microorganisms to grow and develop in a very short time become unfit milk consumed when handled incorrectly. Safety milk from contamination during the distribution process becomes very important because of a race against time. Considering the conditions on the farm people milk distribution process normally without treatment (cooling), so that the required distribution by the shortest route, the fastest time and low cost. This study aims to minimize lines and distribution costs of fresh milk as marketing efficiency efforts. The research location is taken purposively based on the consideration that the District Mojosongo has the second largest population of dairy cows in Boyolali. The analytical method used is the analysis of marketing costs, margins and profit marketing, marketing efficiency and Traveling Salesman Problem analysis to determine the shortest distance, fastest time and lowest cost. Fresh milk marketing channels used dairy producers in the district Mojosongo there are three channels following the channel I: Farmer to Consumer, Channel II: Farmers to Traders collector to Consumer and Channels III: Farmers to Traders collector to wholesaler to the milk processing industry. Channel I is the most efficient marketing channel because this channel sells directly from farmers to consumers. The most effective marketing channels using the Travelling Salesman Problem is the distribution channels II because this path has the shortest distance, fastest time to maintain the quality of fresh milk and cost efficiency.


Dairy cattle fresh milk; Marketing channel; Marketing efficiency; Marketing margin, Traveling salesman problem

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