Sri Widadi, Zainal Djauhari Fatawi, Hardjono Sri Gutomo


Club root caused by P. brassicae is the most important disease of Brassicaceae. In the fields, the pathogen can totally fail to harvest. The disease is difficult to control, because the pathogen can persist in soil far years although there is no host. Elimination of the pathogen in the infested soil is become an important tactic in control of soil born disease such the disease. The use of natural agents which save on environment is one of the interesting methods to develop. One of them is rock salt (NaCl). An evaluation of the effectiveness of NaCl for elimination of club root pathogen and its impact on growth of Chinese cabbage as indicator plant has been conducted. A mount of 13 factorial treatments consisted of 5 levels of concentration and 5 levels of frequency of dreanching application have been evaluated. The result showed that the soil drenching of NaCl dilution with some concentration and time application were effective to control club root on Chinese cabbage. A concentration of 0,5-1% NaCl could be considerable for control of club root on Chinese cabbage. Soil drenching of NaCl solution on two or one weeks before planting could be considerable in control of club root.


club root; chinnes cabbage; NaCl; akar gada

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