Dini Kartika Salsabila


In national and international trade it is common to encounter trade disputes, one of the disputes is the non-conformity of the traded goods. This can occur due to various factors originating from both the seller and the buyer. Hence, trade contracts must be made explicitly regarding the rights and obligations of the parties as well as clear arrangements for liability of parties that can facilitate the parties in the event of a dispute in the future and brought into the realm of international arbitration then it can be resolved by the guidance of Article 35 of the CISG. This article will be discussed in detail about the provisions of the conformity specifications of goods that are regulated internationally in Article 35 of the CISG and pay attention to the principle of caveat venditor and caveat emptor as supporting rules for Article 35 of the CISG.


non-conformity of goods; article 35 CISG; international arbitration; caveat emptor; caveat venditor

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Konvensi Internasional:

United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

Publikasi lain:

Flechtner, Harry M, 2012, “Decisions on Conformity of Goods Under Article 35 of the U.N. Sales Convention (CISG): The Mussels Case, Evidentiary Standards for Lack of Conformity, and the Default Rule vs. Cumulative Views of Implied Comformity Obligations”, University of Pittsburgh, Legal Studies Research Paper Series

Rijn Blend Oil Case, Nederlands Arbitrage Instituut (Netherlands Arbitration Institute), diputuskan pada 15 Oktober 2002, Case Number: 2319, tersedia pada laman

Schwenzer, Ingeborg, 2012, “Conformity of the Goods – Physical Features on the Wane?”. State of Play: 14 April 2011, Vienna, conference in honour of Peter Schlechtriem 1933-2007 : the 3rd

Annual MAA Schlechtriem CISG Conference. The Hague, hal. 103-112. Book section:


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