Respons Hasil beberapa Varietas Kedelai terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Fosfat

St. Subaedah, Netty Netty, Andi Ralle


Soybean is including a major protein source with a relatively higher consumption rate. Similarly, various efforts have been adopted towards boosting production, including selecting high-yield species and soil fertility improvement using fertilizers. This research aims to increase soybean production by employing the appropriate variety and phosphate fertilizers to improve soil fertility. This experiment was conducted in Takalar, South Sulawesi, between April-July 2019. The split-plot design method was applied with three replications. Consequently, the main plot encompasses the treatment of three varieties, termed Argomulyo, Anjasmoro and Gema, while the subplots relate to phosphate fertilization, comprising three levels, including fertilization with a dose of SP-36 at 50, 100 and 150 kg.ha-1. The results showed that the modifications in variety and phosphorus fertilization significantly influenced soybean production, as Argomulyo obtained the maximum rate of 2.77 t.ha-1, followed by Anjasmoro at 2.45 t.ha-1. Furthermore, phosphate fertilization with a dose of SP-36 at 100-150 kg.ha-1 demonstrated the optimal soybean production as indicated by the maximum productive nodes and pods. Therefore, no interaction was observed between the various species and phosphate fertilization.


Crop Production; Glycine max; Phosphorus Levels; Soil Fertility

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