The Diversity of Breadfruit Plants (Artocarpus Altilis) Based on Morphological Characters

Helna Estalansa, Endang Yuniastuti, Sri Hartati


Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) is a plant common are all part of it can be used by humans. The research aims to determine the character of morphological breadfruit and knowing the characterization of morphological breadfruit in Yogyakarta. This research was carried out in June to October 2017 in Sleman Regency (Cangkringan, Ngemplak, Ngaglik), Gunung Kidul (Patuk, Nglipar, Gedangsari), and Bantul (Bantul, Pajangan, Imogiri) in Yogyakarta. Variables are observations include the environmental research and morphology of (trees, leaves, fl owers, and fruits). The data of the morphology are analyzed by NTSYS program. The results showed that the breadfruit trees has a plant height 16,7-17,9 m, the diameter of crown 6,1-8,8 m, shape of crown of the pyramidal, broadly pyramidal, elliptical, irregular, the patterns of branching of erect, opposite, and irregular. The length of leaf 42,2-78,6 cm, width of leaf 30,2-59,2 cm, shape of leaf ovate, and leaf colour dark green. The length of male flowers 9,0-13,4 cm, shape of female flowers globose, shape of male flowers ellipsoid, the colour of female flowers light green, the colour of male flowers light green when young, and brown when old. The length of fruit 12,2 -19,0 cm,diameter of fruit 12,8-16,4 cm, weight of fruit 0,7-1,7 kg, shape of fruit sperical and oblong, fruit skin colour greenish yellow, fruit flesh colour white and light yellow. The diversity of morphology of the breadfruit plants ranging from 3-30%.


Characterization; Similarity; Dendrogram

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