Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Ubi Jalar dengan Pemberian Pupuk Kandang serta Uji Varietas Terhadap Cylas Formicarius

Fida Azizah, Ato Sulistyo, Subagiya Subagiya


The efforts of production enhancement of sweet potato are limited by some constraints including some pest. One of the important pests is sweet potato weevil (Cylas formicarius Fabr.). The use fertilizer and kind of variety are important factors determining the yield of sweet potato. This study aims to examine the effect of manure on three varities of sweet potato and evaluate the yield of varieties test on sweet potato weevil, through choice test and no choice test. The research in field used Randomized Completely Block Design (RAKL) with two treatments. The varieties (Korea, Manohara, Madu) and manure (control, cow manure, chicken manure). Research in laboratory used three varieties and adult of C. formicarius. The result showed that granting of chicken manure on Manohara varieties gave the best response on a length of stem, number of leaves, fresh weight and weight of tubers. Granting of cow manure on Manohara and Madu Varieties give the weight of tuber stricken was less than Korea varieties. Choice test in Manohara varieties show the high population and in no choice test show Korea Varieties had high population of C. formicarius.


Choice test; no choice test; tuber characteristics; life cycle

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