Fiqi Wulansari


Abstract : This study aims to determine the mechanism and supply chain of red chili in Magelang Regency. Location taking method using purposive method. The location of the research was carried out in the Dukun District, Kaliangkrik District, and Windusari District. The sampling method of red chili farmers uses proportional random sampling method and uses snowball sampling method for supply chain institution respondents. The sample consisted of 60 respondents from red chili farmers and 30 respondents from supply chain institutions. The data analysis method uses a Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) approach and an efficiency approach in the form of margins, marketing profits, and farming's share. The results of this study indicate that red chili commodities are distributed to local markets and outside the city. There are 6 red chili supply chain channels in Magelang Regency. The red chili supply chain actors in Magelang Regency are farmers, village collectors, large collectors, out-of-town traders, market traders, and village retailers. The performance of the red chili supply chain is measured using margin, marketing profit, and farmer value. The margin value is channel 6 which is worth 0%, the biggest profit is in channel 5 which is 15.05% while the highest share value is 100% supply chain. Based on the benchmark of the margin and share value of the red chili farmers, the most efficient supply chain is channel 6, while based on the benchmark of profit, the most efficient supply chain marketing is channel 5.

Keywords : Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN), Red Chilli, Supply Chain, Supply Chain Performance

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