Dewi Widyastuti


Abstract: The aim of this research is to know the marketing channel of Water Guava, the role and function of the Water Guava marketing agency in, marketing cost, marketing profit, marketing margin, Farmer's share as well as marketing efficiency in Demak Regency. The basic method of this research was analytical descriptive. The research location in Demak Regency. The sample was taken using proportional random sampling technique, consisting of 30 farmer respondents, from Mranak, Kendaldoyong, and Sidomulyo Villages of Wonosalam Sub District. The sample of marketing institution respondents was taken using snowball sampling technique. The data used were primary and secondary data. The results showed that the pattern of marketing channels of water guava in Demak Regency consisted of: Channel I: Farmersà Wholesaler à Retailer à Consumer; II:  Farmers à Intermediary à Wholesaler à Outside Town Seller, III: Farmers à Wholesaler à Outside Town Seller; IV: Farmers à Outside Town Seller. The farmer marketing functions consisted of selling, packaging and transporting, as well as risk assuming and financing functions. The marketing function of intermediary, wholesaler, and retailer included selling and buying, packaging and transporting, and sorting, risk assuming, financing, and market information. In Channel I, the total marketing cost was IDR.1,719, total profit was IDR.4,281. Total marketing margin was ID.6,000/ kg. in Channel II, total marketing margin was    IDR 8,125 Per kg. In Channel III the total marketing margin was IDR.4,166 Per kg.  In Marketing Channel IV, total marketing margin was IDR 1,470 per Kg. Channel IV was the most economically efficient with farmer's share of 90.81%, margin percentage of 9.19% and farmer profit was IDR 7,447/ Kg.

Key word: Marketing Efficiency, Cost Analysis, Farmer's share, Water Guava

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