Optimization of Cream Ethanol Extract of Duku Leaves (Lansium domesticum Corr.) as Antibacterial Against Staphylococcus aureus Using the Simplex Lattice Design Method

Dwi Saryanti, Sekar Mayang Prameswari


Introduction: The secondary metabolites flavonoids and triterpenoids in duku leaves have antimicrobial properties. Cream have some drawbacks, including fragility to erratic stirring, brittleness when dried up, and poor storage stability. Triethanolamine reacts with stearic acid will form triethanolamine stearate which can increase stability of the cream. This research aimed to find the ideal ratio of stearic acid to triethanolamine for making an antibacterial composition.

Methods: Optimization of the cream is carried out by Simplex Lattice Design method, made 8 run with the smallest proportion of stearic acid 15g and the highest 17g, and the smallest proportion of triethanolamine 2g and the highest 4g. Responses used in Simplex Lattice Design, namely pH, viscosity, adhesion, and spreadability. T-test was used to verification of the optimal formula and ANOVA was used to analysis of antibacterial data.

Results: The optimal formula was 17 grams of stearic acid and 2 grams of triethanolamine make the optimal cream. The test results show that there is no significant difference between the optimal formula and the predictions in the Simplex Lattice Design software, with a pH of 6.33±0.033, a viscosity of 179.67±0.333, an adhesion of 1.377±0.038, and a spreadability of 5.133±0.044. The best formula has moderate antibacterial activity (6.62±0.007 mm inhibition zone) against Staphylococcus aureus.

Conclusion: The optimal formula has good physical properties and is efficacious as an antibacterial.


Optimization; Cream; Duku leaves; Simplex Lattice Design; Staphylococcus aureus.

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